DIY Natural Swimming Pools

Looking for DIY natural swimming pools plans?

Don’t just wing it with YouTube videos and amateur advice. Work with a professional and get expert advice for your pool and your context.

I will give you all my years of hard-won knowledge, IP and expertise.

Work with me
one on one.

I consult and coach people all over the world, from my home town to pacific islands, giving them DIY natural swimming pools plans and expert guidance on how to build their natural pools.

I have create detailed videos and pdf’s on how to build a natural swimming pool - step by step. Both for conversions and new builds.
This is all supported by a thriving community of natural pool nerds, plus live Q&A’s and interaction with myself.

The Devil is in the Details

It breaks my heart when I see months of work and financial cost that people spend building natural pools only for them to fail, if not initially, then after a few years as the wetland clogs up, the ecosystem collapses and the ongoing maintenance becomes a nightmare. I have years of experience, have made all the mistakes, and can give you a step-by-step roadmap to get a professional quality natural pool yourself or using your own contractor.